Riding Shotgun with Charlie, John Petrolino the Pen Patriot, and News2A Hit the Range
When three dudes hit the range and two of them forget their ammo and bring defective cigars, you just know its gonna be a great time!
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Charlie Cook is a firearm instructor in Massachusetts. He’s presented at the Second Amendment Foundation’s Gun Rights Policy Conference, emceed concealed carry fashion shows around the country, and is the host of the award-winning Riding Shotgun With Charlie podcast & YouTube channel. Charlie can also be found on Facebook.
When three dudes hit the range and two of them forget their ammo and bring defective cigars, you just know its gonna be a great time!
Many people naively think that gun rights and the 2nd Amendment are a singular issue. The truth is that every part of the extreme left agenda is connected to guns in one way or another. Charlie Cook, host of Riding Shotgun with Charlie, gives us some enraging, but not surprising, news that involves Massachusetts, the migrant crisis, and your God-given right to an armed defense.
In a move that should surprise nobody, the anti-gun city of Chicago has brought a frivolous lawsuit against Glock, the maker of America’s most popular handguns.
Read about the little adventure Charlie Cook of Riding Shotgun with Charlie and John Petrolino had at the Great American Outdoor Show.
Last year, devious Massachusetts State Representative Michael Day put on an 11-part Gun Law Listening Tour, pretending to hear both sides of the anti-gun/pro-gun positions. Immediately after, he put out a lengthy bill that strips your gun rights like nothing we’ve ever seen before. It failed.
Round two is being voted on tomorrow, Thursday, Feb 1.
Charlie Cook of Riding Shotgun with Charlie sat down with some of our favorite 2nd Amendment people at SHOT Show 2024. Much of it is chronicled on his YouTube channel and you can also read about it right here.
Anything for readers and ratings. Report on a new “school shooting” and surely it will catch people’s interest. That’s exactly what happened in the case of a shooting that took place recently at Worcester State University.
Urgent! Massachusetts House poised to vote on HD.4607 this Wednesday, October 18th. This is the most egregious anti-civil rights bill of all time. It is imperative you contact your legislators and Speaker Mariano immediately to let them know your rights cannot be taken!
It’s time for GOAL members, gun owners, and those who believe in freedom and civil liberties to rise up and demand that the Massachusetts government respect the US Constitution. Get all the details about the Bruen to Boston Rally, taking place on Sept. 27, here.
It looks like the good, law-abiding, gun owners of Massachusetts might be getting a stay of execution. Their so-called “Carry Killer” bill has been delayed. It’s probably a safe bet that this bill will come before the legislature again in the future. Probably in more onerous form, if that’s even possible.
It appears that “the man” appears to be coming around to the fact that the oppressive, do-nothing, Massachusetts Carry Killer bill, officially known as HD4420, will do NOTHING to stop crime and only make the job of enforcement all the more difficult.
After all of the Gun Law Listening Tour stops, in which MA Rep. Michael Day promised to listen to both sides of the “gun issue”, his true intentions are now on display. A 140-page, pre-written bill that includes and expands upon the provisions of New Jersey’s so-called carry killer law. This is a bad one folks.
The United States has never had more gun owners exercising their rights than it does today. And the Second Amendment is under attack like never before in our history. News2A is your home for all news relating to the Second Amendment, including breaking stories, commentary and editorial, links to top YouTube channels and podcast content, and much more. Updated daily.
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