Charlie Cook

A compressed barbed wire fence at the Mexican border

A Right Delayed…But Why?

Many people naively think that gun rights and the 2nd Amendment are a singular issue. The truth is that every part of the extreme left agenda is connected to guns in one way or another. Charlie Cook, host of Riding Shotgun with Charlie, gives us some enraging, but not surprising, news that involves Massachusetts, the migrant crisis, and your God-given right to an armed defense.

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Advertisement for the Bring Bruen to Boston rally

GOAL Bruen to Boston Rally

It’s time for GOAL members, gun owners, and those who believe in freedom and civil liberties to rise up and demand that the Massachusetts government respect the US Constitution. Get all the details about the Bruen to Boston Rally, taking place on Sept. 27, here.

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An image of the Massachusetts Capitol building.

A Bill Delayed is a Bill Denied

It looks like the good, law-abiding, gun owners of Massachusetts might be getting a stay of execution. Their so-called “Carry Killer” bill has been delayed. It’s probably a safe bet that this bill will come before the legislature again in the future. Probably in more onerous form, if that’s even possible.

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An image of Johnny Cash

When The Man Comes Around

It appears that “the man” appears to be coming around to the fact that the oppressive, do-nothing, Massachusetts Carry Killer bill, officially known as HD4420, will do NOTHING to stop crime and only make the job of enforcement all the more difficult.

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