Muscle… “Memory?”
How do the pros make shooting look effortless? It’s all about repetition and honing “Muscle Memory.” But is it really muscle memory? Discover how proper training helps shooters operate at peak efficiency, even under stress.
Home » Vladimir Vaval
Vladimir Vaval is a retired Law Enforcement Officer, as of February 2023, with 25 years of service. Vlad was assigned as a full time Law Enforcement Trainer since 2009, he has worked as a lead instructor, to special units, members in service as well as academy level recruits. Additionally, Vlad was assigned as the Range Master, lead armorer and defensive tactics coordinator for his department. Vlad is a state certified physical training, defensive tactics, pistol, shotgun, sub-gun, and rifle instructor.
Vlad’s experience includes being assigned to various law enforcement units such as anti-crime, emergency services, as well as counter-terrorism throughout the state of New Jersey. Vlad is also certified and trained in Advanced SWAT, HazMat tech, Rescue Diver, and instructs topics such as Use of Force and Active Shooter, to name a few, to Law Enforcement and civilians.
Keeping this background in mind, Vlad is the Chief Instructor at Gun For Hire, Woodland Park Range and has founded Threat Reflex LLC to continue his passion for training Police Officers, adding his influence, and providing Officers with options that they may not have had in the past to better themselves in their training. To assist in this endeavor, Vlad has surrounded himself with the best resources and support group. Find out more at or on Social Media @Threat.Reflex.
How do the pros make shooting look effortless? It’s all about repetition and honing “Muscle Memory.” But is it really muscle memory? Discover how proper training helps shooters operate at peak efficiency, even under stress.
Are you just port shooting at a stationary target? Picking up mags from the range table to do your reloads? Is that really the way to prepare to defend yourself? Would doing just that really help you survive a gun fight? Vlad, Chief Instructor at Gun for Hire, walks us through real-world considerations that could prove essential to surviving a self-defense situation.
Vlad Vaval, founder of Threat Reflex, Chief Instructor at Gun for Hire, gives us some solid advice about how to pick the right instructor so that we can make the most out of our cherished 2nd Amendment right. Read on and let’s help prevent you from choosing an instructor that was employed as a sandwich maker two weeks earlier.
So you’ve got your NJ PTC now, you’ve been going to the range for years, and now you think you’re ready to roll if you are violently attacked. If you’ve never been in a gunfight but keep up on your range time, its easy for that false sense of confidence to creep in. Take it from Vlad Vaval, Chief Instructor at Gun for Hire… you need to train! Regularly.
In life, you’ve probably heard the phrase “your decisions matter” close to one million times. Well…. you’re about to hear it again. When choosing a handgun, especially when considering one for carry, your decisions matter! Read the wise words of Gun for Hire Chief Instructor and founder of Threat Reflex, Vlad Vaval.
Important for both new and experienced shooters alike, it is of paramount importance to keep safe firearms handing at the top of our mind at all times. Vlad Vaval gives us a fantastic lesson. For some of us, it’s a much needed refresher course. For others, it might be the first time hearing these core, immutable rules of gun safety. Even if you know these rules, read them again. We should never become complacent about the safe handling of firearms.
The United States has never had more gun owners exercising their rights than it does today. And the Second Amendment is under attack like never before in our history. News2A is your home for all news relating to the Second Amendment, including breaking stories, commentary and editorial, links to top YouTube channels and podcast content, and much more. Updated daily.
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