
People sitting and conversing

The Left Has a New Strategy to Infiltrate the Gun Conversation

The Left seems not to be able to take rejection and failure in stride. Instead of being able to recognize that their arguments are flawed and disingenuous and people are increasingly weary of their viewpoints, they continue trying to get a seat at the table. Read on as Dan Wos, host of The Loaded Mic and author of Good Gun Bad Guy lays it out for us.

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A so-called "Glock Switch." A small and inexpensive part that can make a Glock pistol fire as fully automatic.

New Jersey Proposes to Make NJ a Machine Gun Sanctuary State While Putting Lawful Gun Owners at Risk of Wrongful Prosecution

News2A contributor, Joe LoPorto, was in Trenton this week to testify in opposition to a package of new and unnecessary anti-gun bills introduced this session. Ironically, one of the bills involving possession of so-called “machine gun conversion devices” comes with a surprisingly light penalty in comparison with the rest of New Jersey’s gun laws. Read on to hear his take.

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A red flag with the phrase 'gun control' written on it

Why the Gun Grabbers Want Serialization AND Red Flag Laws

How did we get so far from the original meaning of the Second Amendment? Every gun control law that exists or is passed into law is an open door into “one more law.” Dan Wos, host of The Loaded Mic and author of Good Gun Bad Guy explains the left’s rationale behind pushing so hard for serialization and “red flag” laws.

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Roses on a fence

How the Left Spins a “Shooting”

The Left and mainstream media often seize upon school shootings not to mourn the victims but to push a gun control agenda. Instead of focusing on the victims or exploring root causes, they tend to frame these tragic events as opportunities to demonize firearms, using the incidents as marketing for stricter gun laws.

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Arch at the Arches National park

Utah Carry Permit Keeps Getting Better and Better

The FBI slightly reduced its cost for conducting a background check. As in the past, the state of Utah passed that savings down to the end customer, both resident and non-resident alike. Wouldn’t it be great if other states, such as New Jersey and Massachusetts put the people first too?

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Dan Wos, host of the Loaded Mic

Did Biden Conspire with Mexico to Damage American Gun Manufacturers?

Mexico, our “illegal immigrant criminal Pez dispenser” to the south, is suing lawful arms manufacturers in the United States, blaming them for the actions of criminals within its own borders. Considering the Biden administration’s track record as one of the most openly antigun administrations in U.S. history, how likely is it that they collaborated with Mexico in an attempt to harm the lawful gun industry?

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3rd Generation Glock pistol.

What New Jersey’s Attack on Glock Says About the Future of Gun Control

New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin has escalated his crusade against the lawful firearms industry, raising questions about his true intentions. Is this campaign merely a political spectacle, or is it a calculated effort to destabilize and financially cripple the firearms industry through an unending barrage of lawsuits?

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