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Democrats Perpetuate Violence and Criminalize Self-Defense

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Host of The Loaded Mic, author of Good Gun Bad Guy, and News2A author, Dan Wos on Newsmax.
Host of The Loaded Mic, author of Good Gun Bad Guy, and News2A author, Dan Wos on Newsmax.

Is it possible to have freedom and crime control? Our Founding Fathers did everything but hold our hand to try and teach us the value of freedom. The documents they created during our founding were written in such detail that you would have to purposely defy them to go off track. But we have gone very far off track. A certain element within our society has decided that they will do everything they can to defy the Constitution and Bill of Rights in pursuit of creating the exact thing our Founding Fathers fought against and distanced themselves from. While Democrats work overtime to eliminate the rights of the very people they are hired to represent, criminals are being let out of prison only to commit their crimes repeatedly.

So why is the political left creating a victim/predator society in America? To answer this question, we must ask ourselves to ignore what they say and look at the actual results of their actions and policies. When radical left-wing Kathy Hochul was appointed Governor of New York State, the first thing she did was release 191 detainees from Rikers Island. Was this an action that would improve the lives of New York residents, or did she do this for other reasons?

Crime in Chicago is being reported by Democrats to have gone down during the Biden administration, but the only thing that has gone down is the number of arrests that have been made. According to John Lott at the Crime Prevention Research Center, arrests in Chicago have been reduced by approximately 50% yet crime has continued on an uphill climb. It would appear the Democrats are trying to make it look like crime has gone down during the Biden administration as opposed to the Trump administration. The truth is, they’ve just stopped arresting people, so they can use the arrest numbers to make it appear that their policies are working to stop crime. The things they will do for votes.

Meanwhile, good people in New York City and Chicago have been restricted of their Second Amendment right to protect themselves from the crime Democrats are perpetuating. What an interesting scenario they have created. Make the good people of society unarmed, helpless, and defenseless while emboldening criminals, and lying to the public by telling them that they are safer now than they were before.

The list of prohibited Chicago areas for carrying a firearm include schools, state parks, municipal parks, playgrounds, athletic facilities, government buildings, public transit, bars, restaurants, hospitals, nursing homes, mental facilities, courthouses, permitted public events, festivals, demonstrations, parades, public gatherings, casinos, racetracks, stadiums, arenas, and major sporting events, including entertainment venues. So, although it is still possible to get a concealed carry license (CCL) in the city of Chicago, if you are able to navigate your way through the nearly impossible requirements and fees, you are basically restricted from carrying a gun anywhere you would want to go. This, rendering your CCL useless and turning your God-given right into a government-issued privilege that has just been revoked.

Some would argue that Democrats who run these cities are intent on creating a victim/predator society. How could that benefit them? Do you remember how easy it was to control people during the Covid scare? Do you remember people afraid to take their mask off? Do you remember how compliant people became when they were scared? Don’t forget how many grown adults obediently followed the arrows on the floor of the grocery store like they were in kindergarten again.

You can make just about anyone do just about anything if you instill enough fear in them and you have enough leverage to make demands of them. How easy is it to control people in a city like Chicago when they are scared to walk out of their own homes, knowing that they have no way to defend themselves against left-wing manufactured crime?

Are Democrats purposely creating a victim/predator society for their own benefit or are they doing everything they can to protect people? Kamala wants to essentially erase the Second Amendment, but I’m sure it’s for your own safety.

The 2nd Amendment is not a privilege. It’s your right.

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