In many ways our country seems completely divided and hopelessly bifurcated. This current campaign season has underscored that framing, with multiple assassination attempts on one candidate, and threatening rhetoric rising to unprecedented levels. The Democrat apparatus continues to speak to Americans in class terms: left vs. right; union vs. others; wealthy vs. poor; black and brown vs. white. It’s easy to fall into the trap of negative thinking – one which is purposefully designed to create schisms and division.
Recent events have given us tremendous hope that the American people are not as divided as we’re being led to believe.
The hardest-hit areas to suffer devastation from hurricane Helene are eastern Tennessee and North Carolina. Rescuers are still having trouble reaching some communities, and the losses in terms of both property and life are yet to be fully comprehended. Our federal government’s response has been negligible, and in the worst documented cases even interfered with or stopped rescue operations, all the while continuing to send billions of OUR dollars overseas.
Yet, the American people’s response to this disaster has been nothing short of amazing and inspiring.
Local communities, volunteer civic groups, churches, and individuals are leading the way in rescue and care-taking operations on a scale we’ve never seen. Individuals have mobilized private aviation, ATVs, mule trains, and on-foot operations to reach impacted communities and deliver lifesaving aid. Charities are rushing to provide aid in every form.
(The list of groups and individuals leading these efforts is too long to publish and we’d likely forget some key players, but you can see these efforts on Twitter/X and other uncensored social media channels as this is rarely covered by mainstream media.)
Across the country, American patriots in other states have generously donated tens of millions of dollars to charities and funds that are directly serving those communities. Our local church in Nashville, for example, is actively supporting and promoting multiple groups that are involved in relief efforts on the ground.
And while these private sector-led efforts are reaching into the heart of Appalachian communities, delivering food, medicine, ice for life-saving insulin, and warm clothes, there’s been a remarkable spirit accompanying these actions:
Americans are helping Americans without regard to religious affiliation, skin color, sexual preference, or political leaning. Americans are helping Americans because there is STILL a deeply rooted culture in shared values and community. Americans are giving when the federal government tells us there’s no money to help. Americans are serving when political parties tell us the other side is our enemy.
In short, Americans are cheerfully and selflessly helping their fellow countrymen and this narrative completely undermines what the ruling class wants us to believe. The recent disasters are helping Americans to see what we have in common – not what divides us. And the more we focus on that, along with gratitude for all that we have, the greater chance we have to recover, grow, and prosper as a nation and leader in this world.