
A magnifying glass over the word truth.

NJ PTC Holders — Take This Seriously!

Have a New Jersey PTC? You’re a target now.

If you have a PTC or are planning to get one, this article is for you. The 2nd Amendment is YOUR right and it’s incredibly important to exercise it intelligently and responsibly for myriad reasons.

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An image of Johnny Cash

When The Man Comes Around

It appears that “the man” appears to be coming around to the fact that the oppressive, do-nothing, Massachusetts Carry Killer bill, officially known as HD4420, will do NOTHING to stop crime and only make the job of enforcement all the more difficult.

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An image of US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

A Year Since Bruen… What’s Changed?

It’s been one hell of a year since the US Supreme Court’s historic ruling in the case of NYSRPA v. Bruen. We now have 50-state shall-issue concealed carry and unconstitutional gun control laws are falling left and right. However, the left is relentless and they’ve been keeping us on our toes. They’ve also been keeping the court system packed with 2A cases. But post-Bruen, that’s a good thing, isn’t it?

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A generic picture depicting road rage.

If Only I Had A NJ Legislator In The Car With Me Today

Today, I had a situation that might not sound scary while reading about it from a distance. However, there and in the moment, it was truly scary and I was happy to have my defensive firearm with me. I truly believe that if one of NJ’s anti-gun legislators were in the car with me today, they’d understand exactly why our 2nd Amendment rights are so important.

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A generic image of a human brain.

The Brainwashing Behind Gun-Control

It’s probably safe to say that we’re subject to some sort of “programming” or “brainwashing” multiple times per day, whether through TV, internet, billboards, etc… In this article, Dan Wos explains the brainwashing behind gun-control and how triggers are installed in us to elicit specific emotional responses to certain stimuli.

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An image of various weapons

Whats In a Name?

Here in New Jersey, with the public carry of firearms being so new to all of us, people can’t quite seem to decide on terminology. But, there’s some useful psychology and just the principle of downright accuracy behind using the correct terminology. Read on to find out why it’s so important to get it right!

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An image of a person stealing money from another person

When Do You Not Buy Local?

Its no secret that you can buy your ammo cheaper online and have it delivered right to your doorstep. However, in a state like New Jersey, where the local gun shops and ranges are under constant attack by the democrat supermajority in Trenton, its extra important to support those who support you. That means: buy local. But how much it too much?

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An image showing a group engaged in firearms training.

The Next Attack on Your Second Amendment Rights

In further proving the war against freedom and the 2nd Amendment will never end, the left has just passed a bill in Vermont which was just signed into law by their republican governor. The state of Vermont has just outlawed paramilitary training. What is paramilitary training under this law? Whatever the left says it is.

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An image depicting apathy as a poison.

Conservatives – YOUR Apathy Got Us Here

It’s no secret that the left’s lack of principles and morals is seeping into every part of our daily lives. They’ve gotten there by being louder, more active, and playing dirty. For the sake of our children’s futures and our rights in general, conservatives need to stand up, speak up, and get louder and more active than ever. We can regain ground!

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A history book and a magnifying glass

We Are Watching History Being Made

Here in New Jersey, we are either excited about what’s going on with the 2nd Amendment or anxious about how upcoming court battles will pan out. One thing is for sure: we are on a path to victory for civil rights in the Garden State and nationwide.

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Image of a man pointing a revolver

“Gun-Violence” – The Great American Fear Campaign

The left tends to hide behind meaningless terms to make it seem like they care, but surprise, they don’t! Just like the purposely misleading term “assault rifle”, the left uses the term “gun violence” to put people in fear of user-controlled objects. Remember, guns are neutral. It’s people that are either good or bad.

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U.S. District Judge Xavier Rodriguez

Who is Really to Blame for the Sutherland Springs Massacre?

We should never really be surprised by government incompetence or self-contradiction. Sometimes we hear words that shouldn’t surprise us, but they do, leaving us in disbelief that we just heard what we heard. The US government contends that even if they hadn’t failed to report Devin Patrick Kelley to the NICS system, he still would’ve gotten a gun and gone on his rampage. As crazy as that assertion is, at least the government is destroying its own gun control narrative.

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