New Jersey CCW Permit – How To Apply

In a state where rights come to die, many are surprised to learn New Jersey now has concealed carry. It is not only possible to apply for and receive a New Jersey Concealed Carry Permit, but thousands have been granted. While still burdensome and costly, the overall process of applying for, and receiving, a permit to carry a handgun in NJ has been drastically simplified compared to what it used be.

Visit our NJ Concealed Carry FAQ page for answers to commonly asked questions. Additionally, there are legal battles waging right now over where and how a person may concealed carry in New Jersey. For updates on those battles, visit our New Jersey Carry Killer news section.

Who is eligible for a NJ CCW?

  • Any person at least 21 years of age.
  • Residents and non-residents of New Jersey.
  • US Citizens and Legal Permanent Residents.
  • The person must not be subject to any of the exclusions set forth in NJ statute 2C:58-4, (c) , 1-15.

Prerequisites for Concealed Carry Permit

Important: Gather these items ahead of time. Do not start the application process without gathering all of these prerequisites first. The online application times out if you let the page sit idle while you gather these things and you will have to start again, from the beginning.

  • Firearms Purchaser ID Card (FPIC), commonly referred to as an FID card. You won’t be required to upload this but this is where your SBI number comes from. You will have also done the required fingerprints at the time of applying for the FID card.
  • Civilian Carry Assessment and Range Evaluation (CCARE) qualification. This is the classroom use of force instruction and live fire qualification in which a minimum of 40 out of 50 rounds must successfully hit an FBI “Q” target. You will need the certificate showing that you have passed the live fire test and another page containing the test administrator’s instructor credentials. The instructor should provide his/her credentials on form SP182. These documents will need to be scanned into your computer so that they can be uploaded at the time of application for a permit to carry. Additionally, the CCARE qualification must have been done within two years prior to the time of application.
  • A passport-style photo, 2-inches by 2-inches, taken within the last 6 months. The photo must be taken in civilian attire, on a light background. It must include both head and shoulders and the subject may not wear eyewear or headwear. This photo will need to be scanned into your computer so that it can be uploaded at the time of application for a PTC.
  • Four non-family references. You will need each reference’s full name, home address, phone number, and email address. It is very important to make sure the email address is correct and accurate as they will receive a questionnaire at that email address. We have heard of difficulties in correcting a faulty email address. In fact, some police departments may make you start a brand new application and pay the fees again as the initial fees are not refundable.
  • Municipality ORI number. This is the ORI number of the municipality to which the application is being submitted. Oftentimes, this can be found right on the municipality’s website. However, the police department should be able to provide this number upon request. For those applying through the New Jersey State Police (NJSP), a list of ORI numbers can be found here. However, it is recommended to verify that you are using the correct ORI number prior to submitting the application for a PTC.
  • Employment Details. The application will ask for the name, address, and telephone number of your employer. It will also ask for your official title at the company.
  • Make, Model, Serial Numbers of all handguns you intend to carry. The application will request this information. If renewing, you only need to declare those which were not previously declared.

Extra Important: Make sure all of your references KNOW you will use them as a reference and that they should expect an email from the state. Be sure they are not family, be sure they are dependable, and be sure you KNOW how they will answer the questions.

How much does it cost to apply for a Carry Permit?

Whether applying for a new PTC or renewing (a renewal is really just a brand new application), the fees are the same. Here is the breakdown of fees:

  • $50 – Statutory fee, due at time of application.
  • $5 – Online service fee, due at time of application.
  • $18 – 212A Background check fee, due at time of application.
  • $3 – 212A Background check online service fee, due at time of application.
  • $150 – Statutory fee due to issuing authority prior to receipt of carry permit.

Assuming you’ve done the application correctly at all steps along the way, and haven’t had to forfeit any fees and start over again, you should budget $226 every two years. That’s right – while most of the country enjoys permitless carry and most other states offer their citizens inexpensive, long-term carry permits, New Jersey charges $113 per year, if broken down to an annual basis. The rules are onerous, the penalties steep, and you have to jump through the hoops every two years. That’s alot of money to practice a fundamental civil right with a government permission slip. If it is financially feasible, however, you should do it. New Jersey politicians pay attention to how many FID Cards and Carry Permits exist within their jurisdictions.

How do I submit the application for a NJ PTC?

If you have all the prerequisites ready and gathered, and $76 of the total $226 cost available, the application process itself is fairly simple and straightforward. The application is several pages long but should be easy to understand and complete. Be aware that the page will timeout, causing you to have to start over again if you sit idle for too long. You will be happy that you were advised to gather all of the prerequisites before starting the online application.

To apply, just click here to start the application in the New Jersey FARS system.

What else should I know about applying for a NJ Permit to Carry a Handgun?

Since the end of 2022 and throughout 2023, the process to obtain a permit to carry a handgun has changed quite a bit. Those who are familiar with the old process of applying may be wondering if some of the previous criteria are still required. We will do our best to clarify the most common questions here.

  • You no longer need to fill out hard copies of paperwork. The entire application process is now online.
  • You no longer need to get hard copy signatures from your four references.
  • You no longer need to get anything notarized.
  • You no longer need to qualify with each gun you intend to carry. You only need to qualify with a single firearm and you are ok to carry any handgun you own.
  • You no longer need 1.5″x1.5″ photos. That was an odd size and for a time people were confused as to where/how to get them.
  • You no longer need to submit “proof of ownership” for each firearm you own and intend to carry. New Jersey already has handgun registration so when you list each firearm and serial number, in most cases, the state will know whether or not you own that firearm.
  • In most cases, you no longer need to get fingerprinted. You were already fingerprinted when you obtained your FPIC.
  • There is no more involvement from judges or county courts.

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