News2A Talks With Former New Jersey Senator and Now-Gubernatorial Candidate, Ed ‘The Trucker’ Durr

Former New Jersey Senator and current New Jersey Gubernatorial candidate, Ed 'The Trucker' Durr.
Former New Jersey Senator and current New Jersey Gubernatorial candidate, Ed "The Trucker" Durr.

Update: On the same day as publication of this interview, Ed Durr announced the end of his run for governor of New Jersey.

Ed, thanks for sitting down with us again. This is our third interview, and this time you’re running for Governor.

News2A: You recently participated in a debate with some of your political opponents. It was quite the spirited debate. How do you feel it went?

Ed Durr: I think the debate was shameful. I feel it was not controlled or that the candidates, myself included, presented themselves in a good fashion.

News2A: Are you interested in doing another one?

Ed Durr: Yes, I would love another opportunity to talk about the important issues that matter to New Jersey voters, not whether the other guys said mean things about Trump.

News2A: What issues weren’t brought up that you’d like to address here?

Ed Durr: I would’ve loved to talked about our energy crisis or the mandated affordable housing issues or the school funding formula problems or our illegal aliens costing New Jersey nearly 10 billion dollars. New Jersey has so many issues but the night seemed to be controlled by two guys hating on each other.

News2A: The NRA’s endorsement sets you apart in this race. How do you plan to leverage their support to mobilize voters—both gun owners and non-gun owners—around your broader platform in a state that leans heavily Democratic?

Ed Durr: I’m actually surprised it hasn’t stood out more. While the others have said a lot of words, my actions in the Second Amendment clearly have shown that I can be trusted by the community to do everything I can to return & protect our rights. I will continue to drive that message forward that I’m the only guy in this race that has proven that I can be trusted.

News2A: You’re running as a Second Amendment absolutist, but you’ll have to work with a legislature that is historically on the opposite side of gun rights. What’s your plan to work with them without compromising your position, but also working towards meaningful change that doesn’t compromise our Constitutional rights?

Ed Durr: Well, I’m never going to compromise my position when it comes to the Second Amendment. I feel that every law on the books are unconstitutional and I will have my Attorney General challenge them in court if needed and I will use executive orders to override them until we can gain control of the legislature to enact good laws or reverse bad laws.

News2A: The 2022 Supreme Court decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen restored concealed carry rights, yet New Jersey has resisted full compliance. In the combined Siegel/Koons v. Platkin case addressing carry restrictions on sensitive places, we’re now waiting 500+ days for an answer from the Third Circuit. As Governor, how would you direct your Attorney General to handle this case?

Ed Durr: My AG will not be Platkin. We will not be targeting law abiding citizens for exercising their Constitutional rights. I will do whatever is needed to reverse the “sensitive places” law.

News2A: That brings us to another important question – do you have anybody in mind for Attorney General? Any names you can share?

Ed Durr: Yes, I have someone in mind, actually two people, no you can’t have their names.

News2A: Is Platkin in the running?

Ed Durr: Absolutely not, Platkin will be getting a call November 5th letting him know to pack his crap because he’s FIRED!

News2A: To date the state has issued over 60,000 permits to carry – unprecedented in a state that was a “may issue,” in reality never-issue, state up until 2022. Yet there are still municipalities that seem to be slow-walking people’s rights with convoluted application processes, as we’ve documented in our Infringement Report. As Governor, how would you ensure uniform application of law when it comes to this process, and do you see any areas where it could be streamlined?

Ed Durr: I will instruct these Municipalities to stop their delays or face charges. However I’m guessing it will change anyway since I feel they are being told to do this by Murphy.

News2A: There’s an ongoing federal lawsuit, Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs v. Platkin, challenging New Jersey’s “assault firearms” ban. What’s your stance on this case, and would you direct state resources to defend or abandon this law as governor?

Ed Durr: Well first can you tell me what an “assault rifle” is? I’ve tried to buy assault knives & bats but can’t seem to find any. Assault is a way for the Dems to make it sound scary. Again, I feel this was unconstitutional and no I will not support this and will work to reverse law.

News2A: Crime rates in cities like Newark and Camden remain high, despite strict gun laws. That’s true of many urban populations across the country. What are your thoughts on how to address this?

Ed Durr: Because criminals do not obey laws is mainly why gun laws do not stop crime. We need to have more police patrolling and supporting citizens who want to concealed carry. When a criminal has to consider they may have to pay for their crime with their life, they will think twice.

News2A: Illegal immigration is a hot-button issue in New Jersey, with some linking it to crime. As a Second Amendment advocate, do you see a connection between border security and protecting gun rights, and what policies would you pursue on this front?

Ed Durr: First, I will end sanctuary state policy. We will end all benefits given to illegal aliens. We will work with ICE to arrest, detain & deport all criminals. I also would encourage all my county sheriffs to take part in “option 287G” that allows them to assist in enforcement of immigration laws.

News2A: Many gun enthusiasts argue that New Jersey’s gun laws disproportionately punish law-abiding citizens while criminals ignore them. On day 1, what’s the first thing you would change with regard to this conundrum?

Ed Durr: As I stated earlier, I will use an executive order. We will bring “stand your ground & castle doctrine” to NJ. We will suspend all unconstitutional gun laws that restrict law abiding citizens from protecting themselves how they see fit.

News2A: It’s totally fair to address mental health with regard to firearms ownership. Sometimes people are just going through a temporary season where life is difficult. How can we help those people without infringing upon their due process and invoking unconstitutional “red flag” laws that are being abused in New Jersey under this AG? Do you have a larger policy plan to address mental health?

Ed Durr: Red flag laws are unconstitutional and need to be removed. Unfortunate that two of my opponents voted for them and the other agrees with them, yet all claim they are gun guys. We do need to consider mental health but we are all innocent until proven guilty. I spoke to someone a while ago about this and why so many cops don’t seek help when they’ve been through so much and it was because they would lose their rights to have a gun. So we let them suffer to the point that some take their own lives. We need to do more in this area.

News2A: As a former trucker and senator, you’ve positioned yourself as a voice for the “common person.” How would you connect your Second Amendment stance to other kitchen-table issues like job creation and government overreach to win over non-gun-owning voters?

Ed Durr: Well first off I’m not a “former trucker”. I continue to drive and did so while I was in the senate. I think the fact that I’m not a millionaire like the others gives me the ability to relate to most voters. They know I’m feeling everything they are. Just to have someone say they understand you but to know they don’t and never will is huge. Whether you like guns or don’t, I think we all want to live a happy life and be able to do as we like as long as it doesn’t harm others. I said this when I was campaigning before, even Democrats have kids. There is more we all have in common than we have disagreement in.

News2A: Before we wrap up today, is there any other issue you’d like to address to our readers or any message you’d like to convey?

Ed Durr: I think the most important issue of the day is affordability. If you cannot afford to pay your bills, pay for gas or electric or heat your home nothing we talk about matters. To go hand in hand with that you need to be able to protect all those things including your life, so we must be able to own & carry a weapon anywhere, anytime.

News2A: Finally, what did you shoot the last time you went to the range? And do you have a word for our readers on your perspective on training?

Ed Durr: The last time I was at the range I shot many weapons, from my concealed carry piece S&W 9mm Shield to Hellcat to my friends AR15 9mm with suppression & full auto. I’ll never claim to be an expert on guns or shooting guns but I do enjoy owning and shooting them. I feel we all should have this right of choice.

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