Gun Owner Action League (GOAL) has been busy since June 26, 2023. That’s the day the State Representative Michael Day (D) dropped HD.4420. The bill is the most overreaching anti-gun, anti-freedom legislation proposed in history.
On June 23, 2022, the Supreme Court ruled in the case New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v Bruen. The decision of the case made it the law of the land that American citizens do not need a “proper cause” to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun. States like New York and New Jersey took the phrase “sensitive place” and tried to make everywhere a “sensitive place” so it would be impossible to carry anywhere. They tried to weasel into this loophole.
Massachusetts waited before they threw a temper fit about Bruen. Nearly one year after the Bruen decision was when Day dropped HD.4420 in the Bay State. From February to June, Day held a “Gun Law Listening Tour” where people were able to talk to panelists about issues concerning guns. I’ve covered it extensively here on News2A. Most of the panelists were anti-gun and hardly knew anything about firearms.
This bill, HD.4420, has woken up the gun owners in the Commonwealth. They’ve been doing their civic duty by calling, writing, and emailing the local politicians and telling them this bill is bunk. So much so that Speaker of the House, Ron Mariano, stalled the bill, which he wanted passed by the end of July. If the people didn’t speak out about this bad bill, this would be the law right now.
Bay Staters reached out to GOAL and their membership grew. In late August, they held a “2A Freedom Celebration” in Quincy and they brought in speakers across the country for the event. The event was a big success.
On Wednesday, September 27, 2023, GOAL is having the Bruen To Boston Rally at 11am on the Parkman Bandstand in the Boston Common. At 1 pm, everyone will then go to Beacon Hill and speak to their state representatives and senators about this egregious bill.
The scheduled speakers are Jim Wallace, Executive Director of GOAL. Adam Kraut, Executive Director Second Amendment Foundation. State Representatives Donald Berthiaume (R-5th Worcester), Peter Durant (R-6th Worcester), Joe McKenna (R-18th Worcester). State Senator Ryan Fattman. GOAL President Garet Holcomb, GOAL’s Director of Advocacy Kerrie Ann Auclair. Renee Gagne Rhode Island State Director of The DC Project,
There have been yard signs made by a local print shop saying “Protect the 2A. Stop HD.4420. Call your local reps.” You’ve probably seen them all over. There are thousands of them throughout Massachusetts. Signs have been available at many gun stores. Here’s a list of where you can find them.
Some of the republicans have been going to sportsman’s clubs taking questions and informing gun owners about how to best stop this bill in its tracks. It’s time for everyone who owns a gun or believes in freedom and civil liberties to take action. The politicians said that they’re hearing from people who have never spoken out before.
GOAL and some of their members have even set up buses to come from around the state to get to the Boston Common so people can make a day of it.
It’s very important for Massachusetts residents to get out, get that Revolutionary spirit going, and speak up! Day and his ilk have pushed the people too far with this overreaching bill. It’s the residents who can stop this bill from becoming law. And they must! If this bill passes, the other 7 states that were affected by Bruen will try to follow MA’s example and they will squelch the Right to buy, possess, and carry a firearm almost everywhere.
Make sure you take the day off and plan on going to the Boston Common for GOAL’s Bruen to Boston Rally.