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NJ NICS data as of 
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National 2A News

A gavel, scales of justice, and law books.

Multiple States File Suit Against ATF’s “Engaged in the Business” Rule

The ATF’s so-called “Engaged in the Business” rule, criminalizing everyday, law-abiding citizens, that want to engage in the constitutionally-protected business of selling firearms from their own personal collections, is now finalized. The rule is hundreds of pages long, very ambiguous, and clearly designed to deter folks from even thinking about offloading a piece from their stash. They’ve been immediately hit with a lawsuit over this one.

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Handguns in a display case at a gun shop

Tennessee Moves to Safeguard Privacy of 2A Transactions

Like a handful of other states, Tennessee values the privacy of its citizens. The recently-enacted “Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act” prevents financial institutions from creating merchant codes specific to gun shops that can be used to track firearm purchases differently than other types of retail sales.

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A so-called "large capacity magazine" sitting on top of empty casings.

Washington State Commissioner Reinstates “LCM” Mag Ban

If you thought the recent “Spirit of Aloha” ruling out of Hawaii was funny, check out this recent ruling by Washington State Supreme Court Commissioner, Michael Johnston. The musings and ramblings throughout his 47-page opinion completely disregard both Bruen and Heller and make Washington’s ban on so-called “Large Capacity Magazines” permanent.

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Assault rifles

Colorado House Passes “Assault Weapons” Ban

Colorado, with its left-leaning legislature, is trying to pass new gun controls. The House just passed a bill to ban many commonly-owned and used semi-auto rifles and even some handguns with specific characteristics. Will the governor sign it if it reaches his desk?

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Moms Demand Action members having an emotional reaction to the Tennessee State Senate voting to allow teachers to carry concealed firearms at school.

TN Senate Passes Bill to Arm Teachers

Tennessee is well on its way to joining the majority of states that employ sensible measures to protect students from those who seek to commit mass carnage in schools. The Senate has just passed a bill to allow the arming of teachers. It now heads to the House for a vote.

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