National 2A News

New Orleans

Louisiana Becomes 28th State with Permitless Carry

Louisiana has just brought the US to a level of 56% Constitutional/Permitless carry. The freedom train just keeps on rolling. Read more to hear how Governor Jeff Landry quickly fulfilled his campaign promise to restore the firearms rights of 18 years and to champion Constitutional Carry.

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A woman putting her lawfully carried gun in her purse

GOA Files Suit Against NY’s Position on No Carry for Non-Residents

Some states, New York in this case, do not respect out of state concealed carry permits or issue them to non-residents wishing to carry a handgun in those states. GOA has just filed suit against New York to force them to allow non-residents to carry firearms within its borders. Potential for nationwide concealed carry?

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Ammunition on black background.

NYS Threatens to Sue Other States for Selling Ammo to NY Residents

New York State legislators have an egregious new bill on the table that demonizes New York gun owners and will punish them and out-of-state dealers for trying to save a few bucks on ammunition. We all know Kathy Hochul will sign just about any bit of gun control legislation that makes it to her desk. Remember, its much easier to kill a bad bill before it becomes law than it is to get it overturned after it becomes law.

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Woman in shock

9th Circuit Shockingly Stops Carry Ban!

First you can’t carry in all these “sensitive places” and then you can and then you can’t again and then you can again… The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which is well-known for its rabid anti-gun vitriol, again reversed itself. Californians CAN strap their guns on again.

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