New Jersey Casinos Ban Firearms After Concealed Carry Approved

The Casino Association of New Jersey (CANJ) issued a statement on February 6 that bans firearms on the premises of Atlantic City casinos. The announcement comes after a Temporary Restraining order was issued against New Jersey’s “carry-killer” bill that would have suspended the prohibition of carrying a concealed firearm in and around casino property.

The statement on the Casino Association website is attributed to Mark Giannantonio, president of the Association:

The safety and well-being of our guests and employees is a top priority for the Atlantic City casino industry. Considering the Court Order temporarily restraining enforcement of the State law prohibiting the carrying of concealed firearms in public places, including casinos, all of the Atlantic City casinos are exercising their rights, as private property owners, to prohibit the carrying of firearms on their premises.

Although the law does allow private property owners to assert their rights in regard to allowing or disallowing concealed firearms, the close relationship of the gambling industry with the New Jersey State government begs the question about political influence over the recent decision and the role of the government in encouraging or incentivizing businesses to take a stand on concealed carry.

Meanwhile, across social media platforms, numerous business owners in New Jersey have openly stated that they welcome and encourage lawful concealed carry permit holders to patronize their businesses. In one Facebook group, those businesses included a laundromat in Belford; a jewelry store in Roxbury; a pizzeria in Harrison; a photography professional in Vorhees; a chiropractor in Parsippany, and many others.

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