New Jersey Democrats Introduce Bevy of New Anti-gun Bills

The New Jersey state capitol building

On Thursday, February 20, the New Jersey Assembly Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing to discuss several ludicrous gun control bills, each of which could be challenged on several Constitutional angles. These bills show the continuing goal of the Democrat party in New Jersey which fully intends to disarm its constituents.

Please consider this a call to action to contact your state representatives to oppose these measures:

Click here to see your leaders in the New Jersey legislature.

Click here for a roster of all members of the New Jersey legislature and their phone numbers.

Our thanks to ANJRPC for summarizing these bills below.

A.4974 prescribing penalties for the sale and possession of “machine gun conversion devices.” Such devices are already banned at both the state and federal level. Given that New Jersey’s definition would differ from the federal definition, this only makes the water murkier.

A.4975 creates a crime for the possession of digital instructions to manufacture firearms or components. This legislation creates a crime even if someone never produces a gun or component. Simply having a digital file on your computer could subject you to criminal penalties.

A.4976 establishes the crime of reckless discharge. Discharging a firearm in New Jersey is already a crime unless done “for a lawful purpose,” which is an affirmative defense. Given the lack of exceptions in both existing New Jersey law and this legislation, successfully raising such a defense would be exceedingly difficult. Now, every time a firearm is used, even in legitimate situations, rogue prosecutors will have even more ability to bring charges. You could even be subject to prison time for an accidental or negligent discharge.

A.1389 requires confiscation of ammunition and certain firearms components in response to domestic violence restraining orders or convictions. Of course, New Jersey already has very harsh gun confiscation laws as they pertain to restraining orders. This bill is absurd as it would include components like spare grips. Keep in mind this bill applies to accusations, not just convictions. Even in cases of false accusations, surrender is ordered. We have always been clear that convicted abusers should be punished, but there must be due process.

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