New Jersey 2A News

An image of a generic gun license certificate

New Jersey Courts No Longer Amending PTCs

Thinking about how to amend your court-issued permit to carry so you can conceal that new pistol you just picked up? Think again. A new directive was just issued to the county courts ordering them to stop amending permits effective immediately.

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Jerry and Kathy Arose

A New Jersey 2A Brother-In-Arms Needs Your Help!

Yesterday, April 12, Jerry Arose, a well-respected member of the NJ 2nd Amendment community was injured in a house fire. A GoFundMe has been set up to help the family in their time of need. Please visit the GoFundMe page and consider making a donation to make sure they can focus on medical treatment and recovery.

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Become a Member

You Want my Advice? You’d Better Become a Member.

Author John Petrolino recounts a recent conversation with the directory of Florida Carry regarding a third-party’s questions about the costs of New Jersey’s Permit to Purchase a Handgun. Lets just say there is no excuse, as a gun owner in NJ, for not being a member of the 2A groups fighting tooth and nail for our rights here in the Garden State.

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Misappropriation of funds

NJ Spends COVID Funds to Combat “Gun Violence”

We’ve said it before: “The corruption of New Jersey knows no bounds”. New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin has misappropriated funds meant for COVID-19 relief for the purposes of “gun detection” systems and largely in towns that don’t really have any level of gun crime. He claims that so-called gun violence has increased since the beginning of the COVID pandemic and as such the funds qualify for these twisted uses. Read about this cheap, see-through, excuse for the misappropriation of funds.

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Front of a police station

NJ’s “Gun Lawyer” Firm Scores a Win for 2A Rights

Despite the recent ruling in NYSRPA v. Bruen, which said that our 2nd Amendment rights cannot be denied based on subjective criteria, New Jersey has a law on the books which allows police chiefs to deny 2A rights based on feelings. Read about the case of M.U. He was recently denied a handgun purchase permit by his local police chief. In denying the HPP, the chief also revoked his FID card and told M.U. to surrender any firearms he already owns. Read on to see how this one turns out.

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From left to right, Judge Renée Marie Bumb, Daniel Schmutter, Edward Kologi, and Angela Cai

Oral Arguments Heard in PI Phase of NJ Carry Killer Case

This past Friday, Judge Bumb spent four and a half hours listening to arguments from both plaintiffs and defendants in the now-merged cases challenging New Jersey’s “sensitive places” law which makes the vast majority of the state off-limits to concealed carriers. No ruling on the PI has been issued yet, but it was quite the interesting hearing.

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A photo depicting a gun in the trunk and a crime scene

The Judges Created an Unsafe Situation

Before the so-called Carry Killer bill was signed into law, some judges were issuing carry permits that create inherent safety risks to the gun carrier as well as those in the immediate vicinity. Of course, New Jersey’s legislators loved this provision so much that they incorporated it into A4769. Some judges might be ideologically motivated and some might think they are “doing the right thing”. One thing is for certain: they are putting us all at risk.

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Image of a judge's gavel and a gun

Your Local PD Cannot Reissue Your Court-Issued Carry Permit

Recently, there have been a few accounts of people asking their local police departments to re-issue their court-issued carry permits at the local level in order to shed themselves of the court order and join the ranks of the unrestricted. Due to a court ruling this past Monday, March 6, this doesn’t seem possible. Read on to find out why.

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A note and a belt, hinting at an upcoming punishment.

Judge Bumb Responds to NJ Attorney General’s Timeline Demand

Judge Bumb was clearly displeased with a recent letter to the court filed by the New Jersey Attorney General on March 3. In that letter, the State basically told the judge to hurry up or we’ll go over your head. In response, the judge entered a text order of her own. So far, it seems to us, New Jersey is going to get spanked for this.

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New residents must register handguns in New Jersey

Moving to NJ? Register Your Handgun.

Most people were so excited about the Bruen ruling on June 23 that they didn’t notice the new resident gun registration bill being signed into law on July 5. It’s ironic that failure to register guns within the stated timeline is only a disorderly persons offense (a misdemeanor) when any other offense, no matter how benign, related to firearms in New Jersey is a felony. Could it be that people are leaving New Jersey and they want prospective new residents to feel that “its not so bad”?

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New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin sent a letter to Judge Bumb threatening an appeal to the Third Circuit if she doesn't hurry up and move the Siegel v. Platkin case along.

NJ Demands Timeline in Carry-Killer Case

New Jersey has been throwing a non-stop temper tantrum ever since the Bruen ruling was handed down in June 2022. Most recently, the AG sent a letter to the federal judge in the Siegel v. Platkin case demanding a timeline and threatening to go over her head to the Third Circuit. The State is mostly likely going to get spanked for this.

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New Jersey police officers are now permitted to smoke marijuana

NJ’s LEO Drug Testing Policy Creates Double Standard

Its never a surprise when New Jersey creates a double standard that favors police over the average citizen. NJ Attorney General Matthew Platkin recently released a new drug testing policy that exempts police officers from being tested for marijuana, except under limited circumstances. This same AG has vigorously defended the New Jersey Carry Killer law which prohibits concealed carriers from using marijuana or being under the influence of it.

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