The Infringement Report

At The Infringement Report, we take accuracy and fairness seriously. We do not publish any articles until we have received detailed information and proof from the individual(s) filing the report with us. This includes emails, screenshots, recordings, or other forms of documentation that clearly support the claim. Additionally, before any story is published, we reach out to the agency or police department in question, giving them an opportunity to comment on the complaint or provide their side of the story. Only after these steps are taken do we move forward with publishing.

The Infringement Report features articles covering delays and obstacles in obtaining firearms-related permits, such as Firearms Purchaser ID cards, pistol purchase permits, and handgun carry licenses. By holding towns and police agencies accountable, we expose how these delays violate the rights of law-abiding gun owners and threaten their ability to exercise Second Amendment freedoms.

Wayne, NJ Police Patch

Wayne New Jersey Sitting on Their Hands? Nine-Plus Months for Permits!

Update: View the article to see a positive update since we first published!

Like many police departments around New Jersey, Wayne PD and the mayor simply don’t care about your 2nd Amendment rights. We reached out multiple times to give them a chance to respond to incredibly long delays for permits to exercise a civil right. Did they care enough to respond?

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A turtle wearing a police hat and processing someone's application.

Belleville New Jersey Slow-Walking Firearm Related Permits

The inaugural article in our new “Infringement Report” section focuses on Belleville, NJ. Verified reports indicate that the town is significantly delaying the processing of firearms-related permits. Even the town’s mayor has reportedly experienced delays in receiving his own permits. Meanwhile, the permitting officer often ignores inquiries about timelines unless higher-ranking officials are copied on the correspondence.

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Report a 2nd Amendment Rights Infringement

Use the form below to report any 2nd Amendment rights infringements by government officials or agencies. We will only publish a story after discussing it with you and verifying the details. Personal information you request to keep private will remain confidential.